Wednesday, June 1, 2011

latest orkut tricks

1. Writing scraps in reverse order- ‮ Add the red coloured code before your scrap without spaces in between them. The whole text will get reversed after submition. Isn’t It cool.

2. Adding cool symbols in orkut scrap -
alt + 987 - ?
alt + 1 - ?
alt + 2 - ?
alt + 3 - ?
alt + 4 - ?
alt + 5 - ?
alt + 6 - ?
alt + 7 - •
alt + 8 - ?
alt + 9 - ?
alt + 0178 - ²
alt + 0489 - é
alt + 0756 - ô
alt + 0742 - æ
alt + 0719 - Ï
alt + 0739 - ã
alt + 0729 - Ù

3. Writing a star in your orkut scrap - Write ★ before your scrap without spaces in between these characters. And you will find a cool star icon in the scrap after submitting.

4. Access Orkut via Proxy -
- A proxy by orkut itself
- Also try
- or

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